Here are stories of individuals who have sought spiritual direction, and their thoughts and experiences.

Karla shares her gift of spiritual direction in an open, loving and affirming way that is clearly rooted in her own deep faith and personal conviction.  She has refreshed and renewed my spiritual journey during my time as a directee.  Always searching for the fruits of the Spirit, and for places where God is giving new opportunities for growth and renewal, Karla has helped me to see God acting in all aspects of my life.  This has fostered a new attitude of thankfulness for God’s many blessings, and is helping me to “let God in” to my secular work and other daily activities of my busy life.  I highly recommend Karla as a Spiritual Director.
The Rev. Christopher Cox, Deacon

I have been working with Karla as my Spiritual Director on a monthly basis for nearly a decade.  Karla is close to God and makes that relationship a priority in her life.  Even though she has excellent "training" and always continues learning about spiritual practices and disciplines, I believe it is her closeness to the Trinity that enables her to exhibit holy listening and discern the Holy Spirit so clearly and keenly during our sessions.  She speaks the love, grace, mercy, healing, and reconciliation of Christ into my life as He Himself would, and has been an immeasurable positive encouragement on my faith journey through many ups and downs.  
Aimee Harris

Our work together inspires and integrates the great diversity of life’s experiences. Through regular dialogue we each grow closer to the Light of God and all of God’screative power. Thank you for bringing up positive truths that I sometimes can’t see in the midst of emotion. Having Karla as my spiritual guide has enhanced my alignment with creative intelligence. Spiritual direction helps me focus on my deeper values, recognize when I fall into desolation, and support my authentic relationship with the Power of God in my life.
Jehanna Blondeau

You have been a handrail in my stairway to Jesus!
Emily Nelson

You have given me the gift of opening myself up to the healing of the Holy Spirit and I am ever so much more forgiving of myself.
Sally McCall

Karla, you are the best gift that ever happened to me in my journey of faith and in my relationship with God.  I cannot thank you enough how you open perspectives for me and help me see God's constant presence in my life, vocation, and ministry!
Christian Jennert

I am striving to increase and add more contemplative prayer time in my life - - this has always been a challenge for me so I truly thank you for this gift.
Mary Kincaid

Thank you for giving me the permission to be myself.
Andrea Garnette

I am grateful for the time I’ve spent with you. It is during those meetings that the obstacles in my life are clearly revealed and then removed.
Anne Phillips

In Praise of Spiritual Direction

I see a spiritual director because she helps me discern whether I am really listening to God and on track.  This is a challenging time for the church and as a campus chaplain I am constantly searching for ways to open students to God’s presence in their lives, regardless of how and whether they call the spirit God or truth or love.  Because my ministry is so adaptive I am diligent in constantly questioning whether I am doing God’s will or not.  My spiritual director grounds me; she is a sounding board and a prayer partner in a changing world.
The Rev. Lisa Caton

This process gives me a chance to be quiet and listen to God’s voice in my life.  It is an intentional exercise in quiet listening.  Through Spiritual Direction I have been able to take the time necessary to make good decisions in my ministry.
The Rev. Maria Sanzo

Spiritual direction has the potential to help one articulate the, often amorphous and baffling, ways God’s action manifests.  This process of articulation can be very helpful – salutary – in times of great joy or great sorrow, and even during the most ordinary times in our days.
The Rev. Edwin Chinery

There is no concept of life as a journey or pilgrimage.  No life process and history to be reflected upon, or repented of. So introducing Spiritual Direction is a big deal!
The Rev. Allan King

I found it helpful to help keep me on track with my own spiritual life as I entered into discernment and navigated the waters of transition from discernment to seminary and seminary into ministry.  I think that it also helped me to form a language of discernment that I am able to use now when I am in conversation with my congregation about where God is in their live and in the lives of others.
The Rev. Lisa Hoffman

I wanted to be on the path God wanted for me, and needed course correction.  Someone to share my spiritual struggles. It helps me keep on track and focus on what is God’s will.
The Rev. Terry Highland

Without direction, it would be easy to live in a world of spiritual excuses for doing nothing but what pleases me.  Those God has placed on the path I am following are bold enough to help me stay focused and on my knees.
The Rev. Carl Dunn

The advice of a mentor in ministry was that an effective spiritual leader needed to have three things: a therapist (check), a gym membership (check), and a spiritual director (check).  I believe the balance of these three things have brought balance to my ministry.Spiritual direction has provided a touchstone for struggles that I have experienced in my first few months in a church.  My director consistently asks me to consider “Where is God in this?”  This has been an excellent perspective to maintain, especially in encountering interpersonal struggles.
The Rev. Kristen Foley

I began spiritual direction twenty five years ago with a priest from the Diocese of Pennsylvania, when I realized I needed retreat time between my annual retreats.  What I got out of spiritual direction is the chance to stop, give thanks, and lift up the challenges and concerns of my life, personal and spiritual to God and a caring human being.  Without it, I miss what God is calling me to be and do.
The Rev. Bruce Montgomery

I have been drawn to spiritual direction since I was first introduced to this ministry in seminary in the md-1980s.  I find it a marvelous way to connect prayer, life and reflection.  I don’t know where I would be spiritually without it! Spiritual Direction has deepened my ministry in a number of ways–but I think, above all, it teaches me to listen deeply and it teaches me about the art of being totally available–to God and to others–and to self. I also greatly appreciated contemplative spiritual direction and silent prayer.
The Rev. Hugh Brown