Ø  We deepen our conscious connection to what makes us feel alive – to ourselves, to one another, and to God.


Ø  We start to understand how God communicates with us. We become more and more aware of God’s deep desire for us and we learn how to respond. We have a greater ability to notice and name these divine movements.


Ø  We have sharpened discernment and a greater ease in decision making. We have an increased capacity to live with uncertainty and ambiguity. We learn self-control, patience and the ability to wait. We also learn when it’s time to act.


Ø  We begin to experience real, internal freedom, regardless of the external events of our lives.


Ø  Our restlessness dissipates. We begin to have a sense of meaning, direction and purpose in our lives.


Ø  We become more resilient, better able to live with equanimity and grace during life’s ups and downs.


Ø  We start to discover our spiritual gifts, our God-given talents and joys. We begin to live out of the power of our gifts.


Ø  More and more we are able to live and work in community with a sense of greater harmony. We begin to really fit in our lives, our relationships, our work and our communities.


Ø  Fruits of spiritual direction:


o   We experience more love and a sense of deep affection.

o   We feel more peaceful, grounded, centered, patient.

o   We are more tolerant. We judge less. We have more compassion.

o   We feel more connected with a sense of belonging.

o   We no longer feel alone, but accompanied by a power greater than ourselves.

o   We feel inspiration, a lift of heart and hope for our future.

o   We have more energy and enthusiasm.

o   We laugh more.

o   We have a deeper engagement and immersion in our lives.

o   We feel engaged and absorbed in our everyday life.

o   We enjoy more fullness of life.