I'm Karla, and I want to help you deepen your relationship with God. 


AbouT Karla

Learn more about me, how I became a Spiritual Director, and the journey that I'm on. 

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"The glory of God is a human being fully alive." -Irenaeus of Lyon


I seek to accompany those of us who long to know the God dwelling in our hearts and continue to deepen that relationship until our very life force flows out from it.

Questions of meaning and purpose have been with me since I was a child. I delight in accompanying fellow seekers as you discern deep issues of identity and essence when exploring your vocation and calling. I have had a rich, personal journey finding my true place in life; discovering my unique gifts and growing (slowly!) into the person God created. I want to help you discover and explore your spiritual gifts and directly experience the alignment of your desires with God’s plan for you. God’s will is not drudgery, but rather a river of delight that fulfills and nourishes us as we live out our gifts in our work and relationships.

I particularly have a heart and compassion for clergy; priests, pastors, spiritual leaders, deacons, chaplains, seminarians, students and professors of theology.  Married to an Episcopal priest, I have experienced a unique call with distinct stressors and demands; including navigating through times of uncertainty and ambiguity in clergy life. I also have a heart for those in recovery, seeking a deeper conscious contact with God. I am especially interested in being with those seeking guidance through transitions, whether it be in relationship, work, or change in location and life direction. I have facilitated clergy spouse groups in two seminaries and shared their challenges and joys. I have lived this adventure for over twenty years and long to be found by anyone yearning to discover the rich meaning and joyous freedom God calls us all to thrive in fullness of life!

I want to savor the ordinary with you, learning to recognize the thread of spirit running through the everyday. I want to help you discover who you were born to be; using every part of yourself, moving ever deeper into the life to which you were born; cultivating a re-birth, a re-discovery, and a true resting in God.


Vocational discernment

Ignatian Spirituality

Priests/Pastors/Deacons/Chaplains/Seminarians/Spouses and Partners

Life Transitions


Spiritual Gifts

Enneagram/Myers Briggs